"Yoga is a life of self-discipline. Yoga balances, harmonizes, purifies and strengthens the body, mind and soul. It shows the way to perfect health, perfect mind control and perfect peace with one's own Self, the world, nature and God."

Swami Vishnu-devananda

Sivananda Hatha Yoga

Each class includes sun salutations, breathing exercises, classical yoga postures and long final relaxation. Taught in pure Sivananda tradition.

Tuesdays at 19:30-21:00
Please contact for pre-registration
Class fee 12 € / Two trail classes 12 € / 4-class card 40 €

Noordhollandstraat 48, 1081AV, Amsterdam (Tram 5, Metro 51, Bus 62, Bus 199)

Contact: Burcin Ozyurek
06 4116 7646 burcinozyurek@yahoo.com